We live in a world obsessed with consumption. A world that encourages us to buy stuff to ensure we are worthy, popular and seen as successful. And while this consumerism has sparked occasional conversations about the value of being satisfied with less, it appears that our desire to acquire is insatiable. Our houses get bigger, our cities are full of storage facilities, our closets are bursting, our wallets are empty. We want more. We want it now. We want it cheap.
I am a self-proclaimed maximalist. I am a collector. But, I am not interested in acquisition merely for the purpose of having more nor am I concerned with trends or whether things match my décor. I am interested in the stories that surround the things we live with. I am interested in the history of items, the people who made these things and the memories that things can evoke.
It has long been my wish to document the things I love. The things collected over a lifetime. It was suggested to me that a list may not be sufficient, that perhaps, their stories needed to be included. So, I will remember. I will think. I will share. Are these trinkets merely consumption for the sake of having more? Or do they hold a different kind of value in their ability to recollect memories, faces, places, talents, histories and experiences?
This is my challenge. Have I been wasteful? Have I been wise?
And so I begin.
fantastic idea! I look forward to reading all about the items in your collection.